NCDEQ preliminary approval to DUKE Energy over water Supplies
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) has given preliminary approval to Duke energy over permanent water supplies near its North Carolina coal plant to its eligible neighbours. NCDEQ also noted that they will gather evidences regarding the standard of water quality and the treatment systems. Responding to which Duke energy said that they will help the agency with the requested information as the part of process.
Duke energies North Carolina president, David Fountain said that this decision will resolve the issue for plant neighbours and help them preserve the full range of safe basin closure options, which will benefit all customers.
Duke energy has also finalised one time financial supplement for the property owners which is as follows:
-> US$5000 goodwill payment:- to support transition of new water supply per property.
-> Property Value protection plan:- to cover the difference of market value and selling value on a sold property (if the property is sold or under contract to sell before 15 October 2019).
-> Stipend cover nearly US$8000 to US$22000 on 25 years water bill:- for the communities with public water supply based on local water rent and the average residential usage of 5000 gal/month.
-> Benefit from US$10000 system plus long term maintenance payment:- for those who opt sophisticated water treatment.