ElectraTherm delivers power equipment to biogas facility in Bad Kostritz, Germany

ElectraTherm, a leader in distributed, waste heat to power generation, shipped the Power+ Generator to a biogas facility in Bad Kostritz, Germany, its second German order in 2016.

The site will generate fuel-free, emission-free power while using 100% of the heat from several biogas engines to qualify for Germany’s EEG technology bonus resulting in additional revenue and a payback of less than three years.

ElectraTherm’s Power+ Generator generates power from low temperature heat between 77-122°C. The facility uses biogas to power up to four 540kWe engines. The Power+ Generator will utilize the waste heat from 2 to 3 of the engines at any given time to produce clean electricity that will be sold back to the utility at an incentivized rate.

ElectraTherm’s Power+ Generator uses Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) technology to capture the waste heat from the engine’s jacket water and exhaust.

The waste heat from the engines is used to create a high pressure vapor that expands through ElectraTherm’s patented twin screw power block, spinning an electric generator to produce power at the site. After exiting the expander, the vapor is condensed back into liquid through a liquid loop radiator. The Power+ produces fuel-free, emission-free power, increases site efficiency and reduces engine cooling loads.

ElectraTherm’s Power+ Generators utilize waste heat on applications such as internal combustion engines, biomass boilers, flare gas (at oil & gas wells, wastewater treatment plants and landfills) and geothermal/co-produced fluids. ElectraTherm’s Power+ fleet has surpassed 580,000 hours of runtime.

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