Zeversolar and Manitu Solar join hands for inverter distribution in Hungarian market
Zeversolar of China and Manitu Solar of Hungary entered a distribution agreement for Zeversolar’s inverter. This commitment enables Manitu Solar to sell Zeversolar’s most recent high-quality inverters in Hungary.
The cooperation is due to get underway in the spring of 2017 with the Zeverlution S series, which has already been approved by Hungarian grid operators and is ready for connection, and soon also the Evershine TLC series, currently awaiting approval.
The single phase Zeverlution S inverter and the soon to be approved three phase Evershine TLC ranging from 4 kW to 10 kW offer integrated monitoring via the ZeverCloud portal, with a LAN interface and a Wi-fi module. They also have a high power to density ratio, exemplified by the Zeverlution S which weighs just 6.8 kg.