Vattenfall signs 3 PPAs for 38MW solar PV farms in Uden
Vattenfall has asserted that it will buy power from three solar PV farms in the Netherland’s Uden amounting to 38MW.
Vattenfall will essentially utilize its digital trading platform, Powerpeers to permit customers to buy and use solar energy directly from their own neighborhood enabling customers to buy and use Solar energy directly from their own neighborhood to supply electricity from the solar farm to the residents of Uden.
14 MW in Torenweg in Middelburg and 12 MW in Emmeloord – are owned by Danish renewable energy investor, Obton Solenergi; while the third – 12 MW in Uden – is owned by TPSolarKonzept.
Martijn Hagens, Head of Customers & Solutions claimed “Our solution not only makes it possible to buy solar power, but it also makes it possible to support your local solar farmer. Our over-all ambition is to help our customers to become fossil free and this is an example of our cutting-edge knowledge in this area.”
Dutch power provider, Nuon, a subsidiary of Vattenfall, announced a 200 MW solar PV project pipeline for the Netherlands, although no further details were made available. It did say at the time though that solar projects can be implemented more quickly than wind projects, and that a co-location of both technologies is “many times a great idea”