6th Future of Biogas Europe, 11th – 12th November 2020, Berlin, Germany
We are excited to announce that ACI’s Future of Biogas Europe will be taking place in Berlin, Germany on 11th & 12th November 2020.
This 6th annual two-day conference will bring together senior executives and experts from the entire value chain to provide a forum for all parties active in the field of anaerobic digestion of organic matter and renewable energy production in the form of biogas.
The conference will provide our delegates with interactive sessions, conference presentations, panel discussions and networking opportunities to discuss the latest challenges and developments within the bio energy industry.
Power producers, leading technology & solution providers, farmers, as well as representatives from the food & beverage industry, and waste industry will share their experiences, expertise and ideas to successfully fight GHG emissions and take the right path to reach carbon neutrality by 2030.
Join us in Berlin to discuss the latest challenges and developments making an impact on the industry and benefit from excellent networking opportunities.
Who Will Attend? Biogas production companies, Biogas technology suppliers, Energy & utility companies, Waste to energy project developers, Policy makers, Waste water treatment specialists, Biomass producers, Waste management specialists, Technology development & solution providers, National/local governments & industry/manufacturing investing in biogas facilities, Green Energy Financial & Investment firms, Research & academic organisations, High energy using industries, Energy companies, Food and beverage industry, Agricultural sector, Regulatory and Policy Officers, Consultants and analysts
Key Topics
- Future of Biogas: Market Overview
- Upscaling Biogas Production Through Cost Effective Methods
- Decarbonising The Grid: The Use of Biogas As An Greener Alternative
- The Integration of Biogas Into The Transport Sector
- Applying Strategies for Feedstock and Sustainability
- European Regulation in Biogas: Meeting the Standards and Overcoming the Challenges
- Discussing and Applying New Technological Advancements in the Industry
- Exploring Future Innovations in Production and Application of Biogas
More Details on Sessions & Topics, please View Agenda: https://www.wplgroup.com/aci/biogas-europe-2020-agenda/
The standard delegate rate is £1,795 (ex.Vat) which includes attendance of the two day conference, all speakers’ presentations, lunches and networking opportunities as well as documentation from the event.
How Do I Register?
Members are entitled to a special discount on registration – to claim please contact Adamantia (Mado) Lampropoulou on MLampropoulou@acieu.net or +44 (0) 203 141 0607 quoting EBGe6MKTG.
We welcome you to join our leading experts at 6th Future of Biogas Europe Summit!
Last Year’s Attendees Included:
AcrEnergy Ltd. * ADBA * Aerzen Nederland B.V. * AFS Energy * AFS Energy * AFS Energy * agriKomp Bohemia s.r.o. * Ammongas A/S * APROVIS Energy Systems GmbH * Arcanum Energy System * Biokraft AS * Biokraft AS * Biond Production AB * BP * BP * CALVERA GAS TECHNOLOGY * Consorzio Italiano Biogas * Danske Commodities * Danske Commodities * DNV GL, Det Norske Veritas * DSM * E.ON Bioerdgas GmbH * CALVERA GAS TECHNOLOGY * Engie * Engie * Eurogas * European Biogas Association * Evonik Resource Efficiency GmbH * Evonik Resource Efficiency GmbH * Ferrero Technical Services S.r.l. * Fluvius * Fluxys Belgium * Fluxys Belgium * FORNOVO GAS SRL * Future Biogas * Gardner Denver Schopfheim GmbH * GasTerra * Gasum Oy * Gasunie New Energy * GFL Zero Carbon Ltd. * Gianfranco De Feo Pietro Fiorentini * GRDF * GreenLane Biogas * IBBK * INFICON GmbH * INFICON GmbH * Lumina Consult * Munzer Bioindustrie GmbH * Nature Energy * Nature Energy * NEGDIA * Novozymes A/S * Orange Gas * PitPoint Clean Fuels * Renault * Rijksdienst Voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO.nl) * Rolande LNG BV * RWE Supply & Trading * Scandinavian Biogas Fuels AB * Shell New Energies * Suez Water & Technologies & Solutions * SWEN Capital Partners * TEKFEN Muhendislik A.S. * The Bioenergy International * TNO * Umoe Advanced Composites AS * Umoe Advanced Composites AS * VEAS * VEAS * Veolia Water Technologies Techno Center Netherlands B.V. * Veolia Water Technologies Techno Center Netherlands B.V. * ACT Commodities * Biogas Channel AB * Biogas Channel AB * Carbonoro * DSM * Engie * Haldor Topsoe * Shell * VEAS * Engie * Engie * Engie * Engie * Broadview Energy Solutions * TEKFEN Muhendislik A.S. * BP * Heineken and many more…
Kind regards,
Adamantia (Mado) Lampropoulou
Marketing Executive
Active Communications International (ACI Europe)
T. + 44 (0)203 141 0607 F. + 44 (0)207 593 0071
10 Gough Square, London, EC4A 3DE
Email: mlampropoulou@acieu.net – Web: http://www.acieu.net